Monday, October 23, 2023

Whaddaya know - I'm BACK!

I have not been physically able to sign into this blog for years.  I lost all of the information required to sign in.  So much crazy. I'm still constantly saying, "You CAN'T be SERIOUS!"  Some things never change. :D

SUCH a long time has passed.  So much LIFE has just flowed on....and thankfully, all my children are still alive.  You don't know how important that statement is.  And joyfully speaking, one of my children is married with three children. I'm so happy about that. of her kiddos is currently in the hospital - her youngest (a son, 2 years old).  Visions of his Uncle Mike are dancing in my head.  Her's too?  Hmmm....

All in good time.  I'll catch all of this up.  For now, I'm back and I'm thankful to say that.

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